Religions 宗教

NO. Author/Title EAN 台幣
CW 89 Soothill W.E and Hodous, L. A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms (漢英佛學大字典) With Sanskrit And English Equivalents. (London: 1937) 4711871492875 2,880
An indispensable aid for students of Chinese Buddhist texts. This volume is a dictionary of Chinese Mahayana terms based on various glossaries and dictionaries of Buddhist terms from both China and Japan. The terms are arranged by stroke, then by radical. In addition to the Chinese character and definition, the Sanskrit equivalent is given for each term. Indices to radicals, difficult characters, and Sanskrit-Pali terms are provided to facilitate use of the dictionary.
RS 45 Ernest J. Eitel. Handbook of Chinese Buddhism (中國佛教手冊-梵中、暹羅緬甸西藏蒙古和日本字典): A Sanskrit-Chinese Dictionary with vocabularies of Buddhist terms in Pali, Siamese, Burmese, Tibetan, Mongolian, and Japanese, with a Chinese index by K. Takakuwa. 1976. Reprint of 2d ed., rev. & enlarged, Tokyo: Sanshusha. 1904. (x), 324pp. 4711871502512 680
RS 89 Henri Cordier. L'lmprimerie Sino-Europeenne en Chine (十七世紀起在中國的歐洲人有關公共工程的書目): Bibliographic des Ouvrages Publics en Chine par les Europeens au XVIIe et Au XVIlle Siecle. 1979. Reprint of Publications de 1'Ecole des Langues OrientalesVivantes, Ve Serie, Tome III, Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1901. (iv), x, 76, 32pp. Illus., 3 foldouts. 4711871502956 770
An indispensable aid for students of Chinese Buddhist texts. This volume is a dictionary of Chinese Mahayana terms based on various Chinese and Japanese glossaries, or dictionaries, of Buddhist terms. The terms are arranged by stroke, then by radical. In addition to the Chinese character and definition, the Sanskrit equivalent is given for each term. Indices to radicals, difficult characters, and Sanskrit-Pali terms are provided to facilitate use of the dictionary.