USA related 美國相關

NO. Author/Title EAN 台幣
CW 75 Foster, J. W. American Diplomacy In The Orient (美國對東方的外交). (Boston. New York and Cambridge: 1930) 4711871499218 1,440
In order to form a correct estimate of the policy which controlled Americans in their contact with foreign countries, this work presents in a brief history of the diplomatic intercourse of the U.S. government with the Orient Relations with China, Japan. Korea, Hawaii and Samoa are covered up until 1903.
CW 189 Chung, Henry The Oriental Policy Of The United States (美國東方外交政策). (New York, Chicago. London & Edinburgh: 1919) 4711871500310 1,090
An interpretive and stimulating essay by a Korean on the development of the oriental policy of the United States and Japanese control of its development at the end of WWI. The author traces the history of United States policy from Perry's arrival in Japan in 1853 through WWI, focusing particularly on the American attitude toward the expansionary activities of Japan, and the Japanese and Chinese views of American policy. The Lansing Ishii Agreement is singled out for special analysis in this respect. The author maintains that the policy of the United States during the first two decades of the twentieth century was shaped by Japanese manipulation or control of publicity. To support his argument he details and analyzes the Japanese espionage system, government censorship. and publicity propaganda institutions, agents, and methods. Appended to this work are 21 official documents bearing on the author's thesis.
CW 57 Reinsch, P. S. An American Diplomat In China (一位在中國的美國外交官). (New York: 1922) 4711871499034 960
Mr.Reinsch served as American Minister to China from 1913 to 1916. This volume constitutes the memoirs of his service in China. Reinsch records his personal contact and assessment of Yuan Shih-k'ai and many other major political and diplomatic events of the period, such as the Twenty-one Demands of Japan, the fall of Yuan Shih-k'ai, the impact of World War I and its after-math on China.
RS 25 William W. Rockhill. Foreign Relations, United States, 1901: Affairs in China (1901美國外交關係中國部份). 1975. Reprint of Report of the late commissioner to China. Senate Doc. No. 67, China reprint edition, 1941. (ii), 391pp. 4711871502314 800
CW 78 Wu, T. F. America Through The Spectacles Of An Oriental Diplomat (一位東方外交官眼中之美國). (New York: 1914) 4711871499249 960
This book is a record of the personal impression of a Chinese diplomat about America and Americans. Mr. Wu includes his ideas about American society, i.e. clothes, entertainment. sports, customs, and includes interesting comments on the American political system.