Internationals 國際

NO. Author/Title EAN 台幣
CW 43 Willoughby, W. W. Foreign Rights And Interests In China. (外國人在中國之權利與利益) (Baltimore: 1927, Revised and Enlarged Ed.) 2 vols. 4711871498907 3,040
Divided into two volumes, this work provides a statement of the rights of foreigners and interests of foreign states in China as indicated by official and semi-official treaties standing in 1927. Topics included are China's treaty commitments, the Open Door in China, spheres of interest, extraterritoriality, missionary rights, foreign patents and many others.
CW 199 Wu, H. H. Japan's Acts Of Treaty Violation And Encroachment Upon The Sovereign Rights Of China In The North Eastern Provinces (日本違約侵入中國滿州) (Manchuria) (Peiping: 1932) 4711871500419 930
According to Dr. Wu the fundamental cause of the conflict between Japan and China was the Continental Expansion Policy of Japan. He cites the ways in which Japan gradually encroached on the sovereignty of China in her northeastern provinces dealing with such areas as: The South Manchurian Railway Company, educational rights, and monetary and financial administration rights.
ALS 7 Orlan Lee, Legal and Moral Systems in Asian Customary Law (亞洲習慣法之法律與道德體系) : The Legacy of the Buddhist Social Ethic and Buddhist Law. 1978. xxiv, 456pp. Map, index. 4711871501324 2,020
M 7 Orlan Lee. Cases in Burmese Law (緬甸法律案件): The Development of Anglo-Burmese Interpretation (1874-1906). vl, 127pp. 4711871503144 770