Biographies 人名 傳記

NO. Author/Title EAN 台幣
CW 106 Fitzgerald C.P. Son Of Heaven (李世民傳), A Biography Of Li Shih-Min, Founder Of The Tang Dynasty. (Cambridge: 1938) 4711871499515 960
Son Of Heaven is biography of Li Shih-min, founder of the T'ang dynasty. The principal source is the Mirror of History. Besides the biography, this book also includes a history of the period.
CW 300 Chiung, Shu, Yang Kuei-fei (楊貴妃): the Most Famous Beauty Of China (Shanghai: Commercial Press, Ltd., 1923) 4711871501256 800
A slightly fictionalized biography of the famous Chinese courtesan, Yang Kuei-fei. Yang Kuei-fei lived in the time of the T'ang dynasty, and for over twenty years was undisputed mistress of the imperial court. Yang Kuei-fei entered the court of the emperor Hsuan Tsung in 735 AD, and shortly there after became his favorite and most powerful mistress. Her romantic, powerful, yet ultimately tragic life has long been a favorite theme among Chinese poets, playwrights, and novelists. The author has tried to sort out history from fiction and provide a relatively accurate account of Yang Kuei-fei's life. Her sources include several traditional Chinese biographies, plus references in the standard historical works. This biography not, only recounts the life of a most interesting woman, but also portrays unique aspects of Chinese culture and psychology.
ALS 25 William Andreas Brown, Wen Tien-hsiang (文天祥:一位愛國者傳記研究): A Biographical Study of a Sung Patriot. 1986. xii, 290pp.Frontis., tables, charts, biblio., index. 4711871501492 1,440
RAS 6 Barry B. Blakely. Annotated Genealogies of Spring and Autumn Period Clans (春秋時代家譜註釋), Vol. I: Seven Ruling Clans, 1983. xxxiii, 385pp 4711871503243 1,160
OS 2 R. Dimberg, E. L. Farmer, & R.L. Irick. A Ming Directory—1968. (明代研究名錄) 4711871501744 1,380
CW 13 Hummel, A.W. Eminent Chinese of The Ch'ing Period (清代名人傳略) (1644:1912) (Washington: 1943-1944) 4711871494862 1,450
The product of twelve years labor by fifty eminent scholars this work is a compilation of biographical sketches of over 800 Chinese, Manchurian, and Mongolian men and women of the Ch'ing period. The entries are arranged alphabetically and each is supplied with an excellent bibliography. A chronological list of names and an alphabetical name index are appended. This work has been lauded for its merit as a biographical and historical source for the Ch'ing Period. However, it is also an indispensible tool for one wishing to utilize Ch'ing scholarship on earlier periods
RAS 3 Hung-ting Ku. The Grand Secretariat in Ch'ing China: A Chronological List, 1980. (清代大學士年表)vi, 151pp. 4711871503212 640
RAS 9 Hung-ting Ku. Gensorate-General in Ch'ing China (清代都察院大臣年表)1644-1911, 1986. xii, 179pp. 4711871503274 1,050
CRAS 6 Chao Chung-fu. A Typeset Edition of The Diary of Weng T'ung-ho with Index. Text in 3 vols., (翁同龢日記排印本附索引)1970, 2,448pp. Index, 1979, 4711871494893 13,200
CRAS 12 Wolfgang Bauer. A Concordance to the Jen-wu-chih: 1974. (人物志引得) 4711871494015 950
RS 24 Theodore Hamberg. The Visions of Hung-siu tshuen and Origin of the Kwang-si Insurrection (洪秀全的理想與廣西起義之源). 1975. Reprint of Hong Kong China Mail Office, 1854. (iv), vi63, xlipp. 4711871502307 420
RS 84 J. Milton Mackie. Life of Tai-ping-wang (起義首領太平王生平): Chief of the Chinese Insurrection. 1978. New York: Dix, Edwards & Co., 1857. Illus. 4711871502901 990
RS 63 Andrew Wilson. The "Ever-Victorious Army" (太平天國常勝軍-中國競爭史): A history of the Chinese campaign under Lt.-Col. C. G. Gordon, and of (the Tai-ping Rebellion. 1977. Reprint of Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood & Sons, 1868. (viii), xxxii, 410pp. 6 foldout maps. 4711871502697 1,320
RS 83 Tsur, Y. H. Tsing Hua Colledge, Peking ,Who's Who of American Returned Students (遊美同學錄) 1917. (vii), v, viii, vi, 215, iv, ivpp. 4711871502895 1,280
M 5 Cavanaugh, Jerome, Who's Who in China (中國名人錄), 1918-1950. 1982. 3 vols. 4711871503120 9,750
RS 81 List of the Higher Metropolitan and Provincial Authorities of China (中國各省及大都市權責機構名錄:1885), Corrected to December 31st, 1885. 1978. Reprint of Peking: Pei-t'ang Press, 1886. (iv),20pp. 4711871502871 740
RS 82 S. F. Mayers. List of the Higher Metropolitan and Provincial Authorities of China (中國各省及大都市權責機構名錄:1907) (With Genealogical Table of the Imperial Family, Compiled by the Chinese Secretaries H. B. M. Legation, Peking, Corrected to June 1st, 1907. 1978:Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh, 1907. 4711871502888 1,760
CW 121 Hummel, A.W. The Autobiography Of A Chinese Historian (歷史學家顧頡剛傳) Being The Preface To A Symposium On Ancient Chinese History, Translated, and Annotated By Arthur W. Hummel. (Leyden: 1931) 4711871499669 740
The translator. Dr. Hummel felt that this autobiography of Ku Chieh-kang was invaluable to one interested in the effect of the West on China during the 1920's. It is an example of the temper of Chinese scholarship dealing with cultural reorganization. This autobiography offers a resume of all the currents of thought that swept over China from 1890-1920.
CW 204 Todd, O.J. Two Decades In China (在中國的一位美國工程師): Comprising Technical Papers, Magazine Articles, Newspaper Stories And Official Reports Connected With Work Under His Own Observation, Including Also Certain Published Articles Prepared By Others Who Have Written Comments On The Work Of The Author. (Peking: 1938) 4711871500457 2,240
From 1919 to 1937, O.J. Todd worked in China on engineering projects centered primarily around the Yellow River and its changes in course, periodic flooding, and heavy silt content problem. This volume contains Todd's own descriptions of the problems, technical reports, magazine and newspaper articles and official reports. It also contains maps and illustrations and some supplementary commentary on another of China's problems, famine.
RS 5 Harvey J. Howard. Ten Weeks with Chinese Bandits (與中國土匪共處的十週), with illustrations from sketches and photographs by the author. 1974. Reprint of New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1927. (ii), xvi, 272pp, Frontis., illus. 4711871502116 580
OS 11 Clarence Burton Day. Career in Cathay (我在中國之事業). 1973.185pp. 4711871501812 1,320
OS 9 Austin C. Shu, comp. Modern Chinese Authors (中國現代作家筆名表):A List of Pseudonyms. 1971. 2d rev. ed., enlarged, xiv,83pp. 4711871501799 420
OS 33 James B. Parsons, ed. Papers in Honor of Professor Woodbridge Bingham (Woodbridge Bringham 教授七十五歲論文集): A Festschrift for His Seventy-fifth Birthday. 1976. xvi, 286pp. 4711871501973 1,280