Politics 政治

NO. Author/Title EAN 台幣
RS 8 J. J. L. Duyvendak. The Book of Lord Shang (商君書). Reprint of Probsthain 's Oriental Series Vol. xvii, London: Arthur Probsthain, 1928. xiv, 346pp. 4711871502147 640
ALS 11 Edward A. Kracke, Jr. Translations of Sung Civil Service Titles, Classifications Terms, and Governmental Organ Names (宋朝政府機構名稱及類別). 1978. rev. ed. Viii, 35pp 4711871501362 350
OS 7 David B. Chan. The Usurpation of the Prince of Yen (明永樂帝: 元太子的篡奪). 1402-1424. 1976. xi, 173pp 4711871501782 1,320
OS 24 Romeyn Taylor. Basic Annals of Ming Tai-tsu. (明太祖本記) 1975. vii, 212pp. 4711871501881 1,350
CPS 1 Orlan Lee, Bureaucratic Despotism and Reactionary Revolution (東方的官僚專制與反動革命): The Ideological Signifiance of Wittfogel's Concept of Oriental Despotism 1982 x 83pp. 4711871502970 1,160
ALS 35 Translated by Djang Chu. Li Ch'ing, Crisis in the Heavenly Capital. 1987. xxi, 302pp. Illus. 太平天國的危機 4711871501591 1,040
CW 8 Backhouse, E. and Bland, J.O.P. China Under The Empress Dowager. (慈禧太后統治下的中國) Being The History Of The Life And Times Of Tzu His Empress, Compiled From State Papers And The Private Diary Of The Comptroller Of Her Household. (London: 1910) 4711871498594 1,760
A standard reference on the life and times of Tzu Hsi, the most powerful political figure in Ch'ing China from 1861 until her death in 1908. Based on personal knowledge, and state and private papers, this volume gives a valuable look at personalities and politics, often behind-the-scene, during the late Ch'ing period.
CW 252 Dingle, E.J. China's Revolution (中國1911-12的革命史) : 1911-1912. A Historical And Political Record Of The Civil War. With Maps And Illustrations. ( 1912) 4711871500884 1,250
A popular history of the Revolution of 1911 by a personal friend of General Li Yuan-hung, leader of the revolution at Wu-han. This account of the revolution focuses upon the Wu-han area where the author resided and is based upon his personal observations, information obtained from Li, and contemporary documents and statements issued by the participants in the revolution. The role of Li Yuan-hung and his aspirations are treated in detail, peace negotiations are traced with special attention to the role of Sun Yat-sen. The Szechuan revolt is treated separately. This volume offers an inside eyewitness account of the 1911 Revolution and its aftermath.
CW 145 Davis, George T.B. China's Christian Army (中國的基督軍-馮玉祥) (New York: The Christian Alliance Publishing Company. 1925) 4711871499904 740
An account of Marshall Feng Yu-hsiang and his army. Despite the heavy religious emphasis, this book offers a very interesting inside look at the organization and spirit of a warlord's army, plus the recounting of several important battles in the struggle to control northern China. This book also constitutes a very interesting study of the role of Christianity among China's fighting men.
CW 77 Quincy, J. The Journals Of Major Samuel Shaw (首位美國駐廣州領事日記). The First American Consul At Can ton. (Boston: 1847) 4711871499232 1,060
The life story of the first American consul in Canton, from 1786-1794, throws much light on the commercial relations between the U.S. and China for that period. Included in this book is commercial information and also information on Major Shaw's personal military career before this appointment.