BIndeices Concordances 索引 引得

NO. Author/Title EAN 台币
OS 34 D. L. McMullen, comp. Concordances and Indexes to Chinese Texts (中文书之索引论述). 1975. x, 204pp 4711871501980 740
CW 107 Giles, L. An Alphabetical Index To The Chinese Encyclopedia. Ch'ing Ting Ku Chin T'u Shu Chi Ch'eng.(London: 1911) (钦定古今图书集成索引) 4711871499522 1,280
This is an index to the massive encyclopedia of Chinese scholarship, Ku Chin T'u Shu Chi Ch'eng published in 1726. In the Introduction Giles surveys briefly the traditional arrangement of Chinese encyclopedic works. He also sketches the history of the Ku Chin T'u Shu Chi Ch'eng, gives a terse introduction to the contents of each section of the work and discusses the internal arrangement of the subheadings in each section. The index is a translation, and alphabetization of the 6,109 subheadings with Chinese characters and textual locations: This index is a necessary aid for the Western user of the Ku Chin T'u Chi Ch'eng
CW 36 Fraser, E.D.H. Index To The Tso Chuan (左传引得).Revised and Prepared for the Press by James Haldant Stewart Lockhart. (Hong Kong: 1930) 4711871498839 1,920
A Thorough index to Legge's translation of the Tso-chuan in Chineses Classics, Volume 5. The index is prefaced by a chronological table of the Ch'un-ch'iu years giving the region year of the Duke of Lu and pagination in Legge. The index consists of place names, personal names, and phrases listed by radical and stroke of the first character occurring in the name or phrase. The Wade Giles system of romanization is used with definitions, generally, according to Legge. The location of the characters are to the Chinese text in Legge by page and line. There are 3547 major entries in this index, which is an extremely useful complement to Legge Volume 5.
M 3 Wallace S. Johnson, Jr., P'ien-tzu lei-pien yin-te (骈字类编引得) (An Index to the P'ien-tzu lei-pien). 1966. (iv), 24, 261pp. 4711871503113 1,600
CRAS 1 Frank K. S. Yuan and Ma Ching-hsien. A Classified Index to Articles on Fiscal Policy (1945-65). (财政论文分类索引) 1967. xxxvi, 303pp. 4711871492998 1,950
CRAS 2 Frank K. S. Yuan and Ma Ching-hsien. A Classified Index to Articles on Economics (1945-65). (经济论文分类索引) 1967. ciii, 1,743pp. 2 vols. 4711871493001 4,000
CRAS 3 Prank K. S. Yuan and Ma Ching-hsien. A Classified Index to Articles on Money and Banking (1945-65). (金融货币论文分类索引) 1967. xliii, 329pp. 4711871493018 2,250
CRAS 4 Robert L. Irick. A Concordance to the Poems of Li Ho (790- 816). 李贺诗引得1969. xlii, 217pp. 4711871493957 1,600
OS 8 Mei-lan Marney, comp. An Author-title Index to Ch'iian Han San-kuo Chin Nan-pei-ch'ao Shih. (全汉三国晋南北朝诗篇名目录) 1971. 4711871493988 700
CRAS 10 Helmut Martin. Index to the Ho Collection of Twenty-eight Shih-hua. (索引本何氏历代诗话) 1973. 2 vols. xlii, 808pp, + 1,860pp. 4711871493964 3,200
OS 20 Stephen Hsing-tao Yu, comp. An Index to the Ch'ao-yeh lei-yao. (朝野类要引得)1974. x, 28pp. 4711871493995 600
CRAS 11 Wolfgang Bauer. Concordance to the Kuo yii. (国语引得) 1974. 2 vols. xlii, 808pp + iv, 486pp. 4711871493940 2,900
CRAS 12 Wolfgang Bauer. A Concordance to the Jen-wu-chih: (人物志引得)With a Text. 974. xvi, 240pp. 4711871494015 950
OS 18 Jordan B. Paper, comp. An Index to Stories of the Supernatural in the Fa Yuan Chu Lin. (法苑珠林志怪小说引得) ix, 29pp. 4711871494008 600
CRAS 14 Thomas P. Nielson. A Concordance to the Poems of Wei Ying-wu. (韦应物诗注引得)1976. Ixxii, 220pp. 4711871493971 1750
CRAS 15 Brian E. McKnight. An Index to Sung Dynasty Titles Extant in Ts'ung-shu. (丛书索引宋文子目) 1977. xii, 373pp. 4711871492950 1,950
CRAS 13 Wallace Johnson. A Concordance to Han-fei Tzu (韩非子引得)1975. 978pp. 4711871493926 3,050
CRAS 9 Wallace Johnson. A Concordance to the Kuan-tzu. (管子引得) 1970. 1,188pp. 4711871493933 2,250
M 4 Wallace S. Johnson, Jr., Tang-lii shu-i yin-te (唐律疏议引得) (An Annotated Index to the T'ang-lii shu-i). 1964. (iv), 24, 945pp. 4711871493919 2,250
RAS 4 Chik-fong Lee. Index to P re-Tang Poetry (古诗索引): A Combined Index to Ku shih yuan and Ku shih hsiian, 1981. (iv), xxvi, 135pp. 4711871503229 1,280
RAS 5 Paul W. Kroll and Joyce Wong Kroll. Concordance to the Poems of Meng Hao-jan (孟浩然诗引得), 1982. xxix, 193pp. 4711871503236 1,160
RAS 7 Michael F. Carson, A Concordance to Lu-shih Ch'un-ch'iu (吕氏春秋引得), 2 vols. 1985. 4711871503250 3,040
CW 72 4711871492806 Nash, V. Trindex (三字典引得), An Index To Three Dictionaries. (Peiping) 1,100
This index provides a student with direction on how to use the Giles' Chinese-English Dictionary, the K'ang Hsi Dictionary and the P'ei Wen Yun Fu. Each character has been listed with Wade romanization, serial number in Giles', location in the K'ang Hsi, and rhyme character under which it is found in the P'ei Wen Yun Fu