Geography Dictionaries 地理字典

NO. Author/Title EAN 台币
CW 12 Playfair, G.M.H. The Cities And Towns Of China (中国城镇地理字典). A Gerographical Dictionary. (Shanghai: 1910) 4711871498617 1,760
In part a revision of E. Biot's Dictionnaire des Vitles Chinoises, published in 1842, this work is an index to geographical, political and military subdivisions of Ch'ing China, major and minor towns and cities, and historical place names. The entries are arranged in alphabetical order according to Wade's romanization and are indentified by administrative status, latitude and longitude, and previous historical names. The appendices include synoptic tables of administrative districts in China, lists of towns in Tibet, Korea, and Japan, places mentioned by Marco Polo (indexed to this dictionary), the distribution of Mongolian tribes, and a list of principal rivers and lakes in China. Character index by radical.