Catholic 天主教

NO. Author/Title EAN 台币
CW 215 Broomhall, M. W. W. Cassels First Bishop In Western China (中国首位天主教主教). With Portraits, Illustrations and Maps. (Edinburgh: 1926) 4711871500556 1,220
A biography of W.W. Cassels (1812-1925), the first Episcopal Bishop in West China, or Szechuan Province. Based primarily on the personal correspondence, mission reports, and other writings of Bishop Cassels, this biography traces his missionary activity in North and West China from 1885 to his death in 1925. Many of his personal letters are reproduced in part, or in full, in this volume.
CW 170 Jefferys, W. H. James Addision Ingle (Yin Teh-sen) (汉口教区首位主教), First Bishop Of The Missionary District Of Hankow, China. (New York: 1913) 4711871500129 900
A biography of Bishop Ingle (1867-1903), missionary in Hangchow. Rather than being a narrative of the life and work of Ingle, this volume is essentially the publication of his personal letters with some edition, and the letters of family members and fellow missionaries. In this respect this biography is a major departure from typical biographical writing about China missionaries. The activities and reactions of Bishop Ingle are presented firsthand without the intervention of time and recall.
RS 69 Marshall Broomhall. The Bible in China (中国的圣经). 1977. Reprint of London: The China Inland Mission, 1934. (iv), xvi, 190, (2) pp. Frontis. 4711871502758 990
CW 225 Moule, A. C. Christians In China Before The Year 1550 (公元1550年前在中国之基督徒). With Illustrations. (London: 1930) 4711871500624 1,280
A standard reference for Christianity and foreigners in China. Moule has collected and presents in translation original material concerning Christian activity before 1550, some of which is reproduced from the original Christian activity during the T'ang Dynasty is described. Moule discusses various Christian artifacts which had been discovered and translates the inscriptions thereon. The entrance of Nestorianism and the founding of Nestorian communities in China is presented from their own records along with Marco Polo's comments on the communities which he saw. Moule translates the record of a thirteenth century Christian community at Chen chiang (Chinkiang) on the Yangtze River from a text written in 1333. He also presents documents on the Franciscan Mission, summarizes Christian activity under the Yuan dynasty, and gives extracts from the writings of fourteenth century Christian writers in China. Scholarly footnotes Index.