League of Nation 国际联盟

NO. Author/Title EAN 台币
RS 13 Buxton, Report of the Statutory Committee Report of the Advisotry Committee, Together with Other Documents Respecting the China Indemnity. (咨询委员会报告及中国赔偿文件) 1975. Reprint of China No. 2, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1926. (ii), 197pp. 4711871502192 640
RS 14 Sitrawn, Silas H. & others Report of the Commission on Extra- territoriality in China.(中国的治外法权委员会报告-1926) 1975. Reprint of China No. 3, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1926. 4711871502208 520
CW 197 The Commission Of Enquiry Of The Leaque Of Nations. Report Of The Commission Of Enquiry Of The League Of Nations (国联在北京所签署报告)Signed At Peiping, September 4, 1932. (Shanghai: 1932) 4711871500396 1,470
This volume is the report to the Lytton Commission sent to China by the League of Nations at the request of China to investigate the Mukden Incident of September 18 1931 and the general Sino-Japanese conflict in Manchuria. The report surveys the modern political history of China and Manchuria, and outlines Japanese interests in Manchuria and points of conflict with China before the Mukden interest. The political and military events of September 18. 1931 and after are detailed in three chapters including military action in Manchuria, the Shanghai affair, and the creation of Manchukuo. The impact of Chinese boycotts on Japanese economic interests in general is discussed as a factor in the Sino-Japanese dispute, and the economic interests of China and Japan in Manchuria are evaluated. The report closes with a discussion of principles for a settlement and the suggestions of the Commission. Appended to the report are numerous large foldout, political, economic, and military maps of Manchuria and other key areas.