International relations 国际关系

NO. Author/Title EAN 台币
CW 92 Morse, H. B. The International Relations Of The Chinese Empire. (中国清代国际关系) 3 vols. 4711871499379 4,320
A standard reference work. These volumes by Morse, comprise an exhaustive account of Chinese foreign relations under the Ch'ing until the collapse of the dynasty in 1912. Morse bases his account upon the official documents of the foreign powers and translations of Chinese documents relevant to foreign relations. Unlike other diplomatic histories which, focus on major events, or the service of particular individuals in the foreign diplomatic corps, this is a comprehensive diplomatic history which includes many of the more mundane aspects of diplomatic activity that had an important cumulative effect in moulding opinion and policy decisions.
CW 43 Willoughby, W. W. Foreign Rights And Interests In China (外国人在中国之权利与利益). (Baltimore: 1927, Revised and Enlarged Ed.) 2 vols. 4711871498907 3,040
Divided into two volumes, this work provides a statement of the rights of foreigners and interests of foreign states in China as indicated by official and semi-official treaties standing in 1927. Topics included are China's treaty commitments, the Open Door in China, spheres of interest, extraterritoriality, missionary rights, foreign patents and many others.
CW 190 Sze, Tsung-yu, China And The Most-Favored-Nation Clause (中国最惠国家条款). (New York, Chicago, London & Edinburgh: 1925) 4711871500327 1,090
A scholarly treatise analyzing the nature of the most-favored-nation clause and its actual application by Western Powers in China from 1844 to 1925. The author delineates various schools of interpretation concerning the most-favored-nation clause, and then shows how this clause was systematically abused by the Western Powers to press special economic and political claims. He also analyzes the attempts to subvert the most-favored-nation clause by establishing the right of preferential treatment and examines this development in relation to the Open Door Policy. This is a valuable volume for students of international relations.
CW 115 Joseph, P. Foreign Diplomacy In China 1894-1900 (各国在中国的外交活动). A Study In Political And Economic Relations With China. (London: 1928) 4711871499607 1,600
A detailed, analytical history of a crucial period of foreign activity in China, which saw the powers of Europe and Japan divide into opposing camps over the question of dividing China or "slicing the melon." The author writing on the basis of official documents of the Great Powers; attempts to analyze the policies of all the foreign governments involved in China. Rather than focusing upon diplomatic incidents, he presents the permanent on-going factors that form the basis of foreign policy. The intimate relationship between financial interests and government policy with respect to China is made clear. A substantial contribution to the study of modern diplomatic history.
CW 69 Tyau, M. C. T. Z. The Legal Obligations Arising Out Of Treaty Relations Retween China And Other States. (中国与外国立约之义务) (Shanghai: 1917) 4711871499164 1,060
Revision of a doctoral thesis submitted to the University of London, based on Western sources. The author surveys the history of China's treaty relations between 1689 and 1916 in the Introduction. The body of the work is devoted to a description and analysis of various types of treaties (political, economic, general) and their attendant rights and obligations.
CW 44 Mayers, W. F. Treaties Between The Empire Of China And Foreign Powers (中国与列强之条约). Together With Regulations For The Conduct Of Foreign Trade. (Shanghai & London: 1877) 4711871498914 1,060
This collection of treaties and other agreements illustrates the conditions under which trade and relations had been conducted between China and foreign slates up until 1887. Texts of treaties with the U.S., Europe, Asian countries and S. American countries are included.
CW 25 Cordier, H. Histoire Des Relations De La China Avec Puissances Ocidentales 1860-1902. (中国与西方列强之间的关系) ( Paris. 1901) 3 vols. 4711871498730 4,800
A thorough and highly detailed account of China's relations with the Western powers Cordier traces the relations of China with France, England, Russia, and the United States from their origins. He also focuses upon the missionary work, particularly the Catholic missions. All of the major events of Chinese history that had a bearing on its foreign relations between 1860 and 1902 are given thorough treatment, such as the Taiping rebellion, the rise and fall of prince Kung, self-strengthening, etc. Cordier reproduces the texts of all major treaties, conventions, imperial edicts, memorandums, and many examples of personal correspondence. For convenient reference an alphabetical index appended to Volume Three.
CW 177 Chang, T. S. International Controversies Over The Chinese Eastern Railway (中国满州铁路之国际争议问题. ) (Shanghai: 1936) 4711871500198 1,090
A critical analytical history of the Chinese Eastern Railway from its origin in 1896 to 1935. The center of numerous international disputes and a cause of such conflicts as the Russo-Japanese War, the Sino-Russian Crisis of 1929, and the Sino-Japanese conflict of 1931-1932, the author emphasizes the interplay of international politics, diplomacy, and law in his study of the railway. The appendices include the text of the agreement between the Soviet Union and Manchukuo ceding ownership of the North Manchurian Railway in 1935. A well documented survey of a major problem in the history of modern China.
RS 31 O. D. Rasmussen. What's Right with China (外国人在中国的权益):An Answer to Foreign Criticisms. 1975. Shanghai:Commercial Press, 1927. (ii), xx, 255pp. 4711871502376 580
RS 28 Ching-lin Hsia. Studies in Chinese Diplomatic History (中国外交史研究). 1975. Reprint of Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1925. (ii), 226, (4)pp. 4711871502345 1,320
RS 32 W. E. Soothill. China and the West (中国与西方:交往描述): A Sketch of their Intercourse. 1975. Reprint of London: Humphrey Milford, 1925. (iv),, 216pp. 4711871502383 520
CW 135 MacNair, H.F. The Chinese Abroad (移民国外的中国人), Their Position and Protection. A Study In International Law And Relations. (Shanghai: 1933) 4711871499805 1,220
On the basis of government documents, handbooks and other secondary works MacNair surveys the history of Chinese emigration, its causes, the attitude of the Chinese government in different periods towards emigrees and the contribution, problems, and treatment of Chinese in their new countries. The author provides population figures for countries with Chinese Immigrant communities and discusses problems related to acquiring foreign nationality. The legal status and treatment of the Chinese alien as merchant and free laborer, contract laborer, and student is dealt with. MacNair also examines the efficaciousness of treaty obligations intended to guarantee the rights of alien Chinese in foreign countries.
RS 29 Song Ong Siang. One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Singapore (移民新加坡的中国人百年史) Being a chronological record of the contribution by the Chinese community to the development, progress and prosperity of Singapore; of events and incidents concerning the whole or sections of that community; and of the lives, pursuits and public service of individual members thereof from the foundation of Singapore on 6th February 1819 to its centenary of 6th February 1919. 1975. Reprint of London: John Murray, 1923., 602pp. Frontis. 4711871502352 1,220
RS 76 Marshall Broomhall. The Jubilee Story of the China Inland Mission (中国传教五十年). 1977. Reprint of London: Morgan & Scott, 1915. (iv), svi, 386pp. Frontis., illus., Foldout map. 4711871502826 1,160
CW 202 Buxton, L. H. D. The Peoples Of Asia (亚洲的人民). (New York: 1925) 4711871500433 960
A scholarly, ethnographic study of the people of Asia, focusing on the physical characteristics of the people and the relationship between physique and environment. The first portion of this volume is devoted to an historical survey of ethnic classification schemes, a general survey of the environment of Asia and a delineation of the groups into which its inhabitants are generally divided. The second portion is a detailed discussion of the environment in various geographical regions (Western Asia, India, China and bordering areas, Artic Asia, Japan, South-Eastern Asia and Indonesia), and the ethnic groups into which their inhabitants can be divided.
CW 26 Yule, H. Cathay And The Way Thither (到中国之路 1866). Being A Collection Of Medieval Notices Of China, New Edition, Revised Throughout In The Light Of Recent Discoveries By Henri Cordier "D. Litt. Vol. 1. Preliminary Essay, on the Intercourse Between China and the Western Nations Previous to the Discovery of the Cape Route; Vol. II, Odoric of Pordenone; Vol. Ill, Missionary Friars. Rashiduddin-Pegoloti- Marigolli Vol IV, Ibn Batuta (Revised Ed. 1914) Reprint 4 vols. In 2. 4711871498747 4,000
According to Cordier this work contained about all that was known about the Far East at the time of its publication in 1866. Yule edited and translated the works of some medieval travelers to the Orient, appending his own notes. Cordier left the original work intact, adding archaeological data discovered subsequent to 1866. This work is special interest to students of historical geography.
CW 155 Siguret, J. Territoires Et Populations Des Confins Du Yunnan Traduit Du Chinois (云南边地问题研究). (Shanghai: 1937) 4711871500006 1,120
This is a translation of a work by young Chinese scholars originally entitled Studies of Yunnan Border Problems. The translator states that this is the first work to his knowledge in which modern Chinese have undertaken to revise the judgments of their ancestors on the barbarians of the frontier. The articles in this work include description and analysis of the history, people, geography, economy, customs, etc. of the Yunnan region. The work is indexed by geographical and personal names, and by topic. Chinese characters are provided throughout.
RS 62 Albert Herrmann. Die Alien Seidenstrassen Zwischen China und Syrien: (中国叙利亚之间汉朝丝绸之路) Beitrage zur alten geographic Asiens, I. Abteilung: Einleitung. Diechinesischen quelien. Zentralasien nach Sse-ma Ts'ien und den annalen der Han-dynastie. 1977. Reprint of Tientsin, 1941 reprint of Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1910. (ii), xxxii, 130pp. Foldout map. 4711871502680 740