Regional studies 区域研究

NO. Author/Title EAN 台币
CW 230 Gamewell, M.N. The Gateway To China (上海: 中国的出入口). Pictures Of Shanghai. With illustrations. (New York: 1906) 4711871500662 1,090
This book offers a look at Shanghai during the early twentieth century. The author gives a brief history of the city of Shanghai and then goes on to describe modern Shanghai and in particular the effect of the new foreign presence in the city. Shanghai, at that time, was unique because of the many people represented in her population. Her physical, political and commercial features, as well as her culture, reflected this diversity.
CW 185 Hsia, Ching-lin The Status Of Shanghai (上海现状). A Historical Review Of The International Settlement, Its Future Development And Possibilities Through Sino-Foreign Co-operation. (Shanghai: 1929) 4711871500273 900
A Chinese view of the history of the International Settlement at Shanghai. During the early history of the Settlement the author focuses upon treaty provisions and land regulations. His account of the origin, and establishment of the International Mixed Court in the settlement of 1911 focuses on the relationship between the Chinese judicial officials and the foreign assessors authorized to sit on cases involving foreigners and Chinese. The changes in the Mixed Court between 1911 and 1926 and the impact of the Hsin-hai Revolution and the May 30th incident are discussed. The origin and operation of the Shanghai Provisional Court from 1927 to 1929 is also described and analyzed. Additional topics include a discussion of the gradual extension of the Settlement territory and a critique of its government. The appendices include the texts of major documents relevant of the Settlement.
CW 285 Couling, S. and G. Lanning The History of Shanghai (上海史)(Shanghai: Kelley & Walsh, 1921) 4711871501102 2,080
Part I discusses the history of China leading to the opening of commercial relations with Western nations. Part II deals with the development of trade starting from the concession in Canton, to the addition and expansion of other bases on the coast, culminating in the history of Shanghai up to the beginning of the 20th century. Important topics include an apologetic for the "Opium Wars," discussion of the unusual nature of the smuggling problem, an examination of the development of "territoriality," and a discussion of the business conditions and living conditions for the foreign community in Shanghai
RS 68 Princess Der Ling. Two Years in the Forbidden City (在紫禁城的两年). 1977. Reprint of New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1912. xvi, 383pp. Frontis., illus. 4711871502741 1,160
CW 141 Henty G.A. With the Allies to Peking (义和团之乱时期的北京). (London: Blackie & Son Ltd.,) 4711871499867 1,380
A work of historical fiction dealing with the relief of the foreign legations at Peking during the Boxer Rebellion. The work is based upon several contemporary accounts of the incident, so the historical facts are valid. An interesting account of contemporary Western views of the Chinese and the Chinese political scene.
ALS 46 JeannetteL. Faurot, Ancient Chengdu (古代成都). 1993. vii, 146pp. Maps, illus., glossary, biblio., index. 4711871501706 1,440
CW 117 Howorth, H.H. History Of The Mongols From The 9th To The 19th (蒙古史;第九至十九世纪) Century. (London: 1876-1927) 5 vols. 4711871499621 9,600
A standard reference work, Horworth's magnum opus is the most comprehensive history of the Mongolians available. The author discusses the various Mongol groups and traces their activities in Mongolia, Russia, Central Asia, and Persia. The final volume of this history is devoted to a series of topical essays and indices for each of the previous volumes. The essays include the natural history of Central Asia, Mongol lifestyle, Buddhism, Lamaism, sickness, death and burial practices among the Mongols.