Economics 经济

NO. Author/Title EAN 台币
CW 65 Gale, M. Discourses On Salt And Iron (盐铁论). Debate On State Control Of Commerce And Industry In Ancient China, Translated From The Chinese Of Hunan K'uan With Introduction And Notes Leiden: 1931and Shanghai: 1934) 4711871499126 990
An authoritative translation of 29 of 60 chapters of the Yen T'ieh Lun. the record of a , debate between Legalist oriented policy makers and Confucian critics in 81 B.C., nominally over the salt and iron monopoly, or "welfare state" policies of the Legalist, but encompassing much broader political, social, economic, and philosophical questions. Gale surveys the life of the recorder Huan K'uan, and the history of the text. Grammatical and informational notes accompany the translation and an historical and geographical glossary is provided. This work is an extremely valuable source for students of Chinese history and philosophy.
CW 83 Vissering W. On Chinese Currency Coin And Paper Money (中国钱币/硬币与纸币). With Facsimile Of A Banknote. (Leiden: 1877) 4711871499294 1,760
A history of Chinese metallic and paper currency from the Chou Dynasty to the end of the Sung Dynasty. This work is based primarily on Ma Twanlin's "Examination on Currency" in his Wen Hsien T'ung K'ao. Vissering has translated most of the- essay, in each case giving the Chinese text and a few additional comments. A useful contribution to the study of Chinese currency.
CW 194 Wei, Wen Pin The Currency Problem In China (中国钱币问题). Studies In History, Economics And Public Law Edited By The Faculty Of Political Science Of Columbia University, Volume LIX Number 3, Whole Number 144. (New York: 1914) 4711871500365 830
This volume is a study concerning the different phases of the currency problem in China and the various attempts at reform that had been made since the beginning of the modern reform movement in China. The first half of the book is devoted to the history of currency from early China to modern China, while the second half deals with the currency reforms made between 1895 and 1905 (Chapter IV) and between 1906 and the 1911 Revolution (Chapter V). The appendixes include: Dr. G. Vissering's (a monetary advisor) Gold Standard Plan, the Act of November 19, 1905, The Reform Act of May 24, 1910, and a table showing the gold price of silver from 1871 to 1913.
CW 45 Wright, S. F. The Collection And Native Customs Revenue Since The Revolution of 1911 (辛亥革命后之关税收入). With An Account of The loan Services Administered By The Inspector General Of Customs. (Shanghai: 1927) 4711871498921 1,570
This record of the administration of customs revenue furnishes the reader with a complete history of the custodianship vested in the Inspectorate by the Chinese Government since the 1911 Revolution. The revenue collection, at first insufficient, became security for China's national debt. The stages leading to this situation are covered.
CW 49 Wright, S. F China's Struggle For Tariff Autonomy:1843-1938 (中国自主关税奋斗史) (Shanghai: 1938) 4711871498969 1,920
A highly detailed, factual account of the origin of the Chinese Customs Service, permutations in its administration of the treaty tariffs, and China's ninety year struggle to regain tariff autonomy. The author, a former commissioner of the Customs Service, bases his account on official documents and personal correspondence. He is, thus, able to give a cogent, well informed description and analysis of this aspect of modern Chinese economic and political history.