Arts 艺术

NO. Author/Title EAN 台币
OS 42 Lisa Lu, trans. "The Romance of the Jade Bracelet" and Other Chinese Operas (玉手镯的罗曼史与中国歌剧). 1980. Deluxe HB ed. iv, 183pp. Illus. 4711871502062 1,200
ALS 23 Min-chih Yao, The Influence of Chinese and Japanese Calligraphy on Mark Tobey (1890-1976) (中日书法对Mark Tobey之影响). 1983.iv, 43pp. Photos. 4711871501478 960
ALS 19 Calligraphy Edward Martinique, Chinese Traditional Bookbinding: A Study of Its Evolution and Techniques (中式书籍装订). 1983.xiv, 87pp. Biblio., index, illus. 4711871501430 900
ALS 20 Shiow-Jyu Lu Shaw, The Imperial Printing of Early Ch'ing China 1644-1805 (清初宫廷画),. 1983. xviii, 88pp. Biblio., index, fig., illus 4711871501447 800
ALS 21 Constance Miller, Technical and Cultural Prerequisites for the Invention of Printing in China and the West (中西方发明印刷术的文化与工艺条件). 1983. x, 79pp. Biblio, index. 4711871501454 860
RS 54 Ernst Waldschmidt. Gandhara-Kutscha-Turfan: Eine einfuhrung in die fruhmitterliche kunst Zentralasiens (中亚、土鲁番艺术介绍). 1976. Reprint of Leipzig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1925. (ii), 116pp. 66pp of plates. 4711871502604 620
CW 305 毕珍原著,慕马丁译 translated by Martin Mu YAJIO-Actor of Female Roles 1981 (旦角) 4711871501966 260
This is a colorful tale full of suspense, action and romance of a famed young man acting as a female warrior role called Yajio in Chinese Opera. Yajio is so pretty that his is pursued by everyone from lustful generals to licentious nuns. Gifted with kung fu skill and a quick wit-bolstered by a strong sense of moral out-range – always come to his rescue..